Friday, November 5, 2010

Inspired Writing: Outside the Box!

The Human Rights Campaign and my story:
  • The Human Rights Campaign is pursuing equal rights for LGBTQ individuals.
  • The Human Rights Campaign goes beyond politics because while same sex marriage has become a hot button issue in politics, the HRC's main goal is equal rights that apply to many areas of life and not just marriage.
  • I do not want my essay to become overly political; to a certain extent, politics cannot be ignored but they are not at the core of what I want to write about.
  • Note the recent suicides of gay teens
  • I may tell my own coming out story (nothing particularly dramatic there)
  • Andrew Shirvell, assistant attorney general, has infamously created a blog essentially cyber bullying Michigan State student body President Christopher Armstrong. Shirvell is attacking Armstrong simply because of his sexual preference.
  • Note the homophobic rhetoric and it's alarming prevalence for this age
  • If LGBT individuals are granted equal rights, heterosexuals lose nothing yet some right wing politicians portray such equal rights as a threat to their own rights
People who neglect to live life to the fullest:
(I am beginning to think that this topic is far too subjective to be successful, but here we go!)
  • Addressing the apathy of our society
  • Convincing people to not take life for granted
  • Realizing that tomorrow is not a guarantee
  • Going out and doing something (legal) that you have always wanted to do
  • Not taking individuals for granted
  • I realize that the idea of living life to the fullest means different things to different people
  • However, most people go about life assuming that there will always be another tomorrow and do not realize how much they whom or what they have until it is gone
  • I came up with the idea for this topic stemming from my desire to live life to the fullest after the death of my brilliant twenty five year old cousin from a congenital heart defect. One of the things I promised myself was that I would go skydiving (I am planning to this May after graduation).
  • What's on your to do list, of all to do lists?
  • Most often, do people have their priorities straight? Doubtful....
  • To me life is about recognizing what is precious in our daily lives
  • Life is about balancing responsibilities with pleasure
  • Life is about going for it when people say you can't succeed
  • Do we not learn as much from our successes as we do from our failures?
Dear fellow bloggers,
     Please let me know what you think about this category, because honestly, its beginning to feel way too existential, as if its headed towards the direction of quantum physics, which in terms of my essay, would be the point of no return.


Letter Writing: the loss of the personal in favor of the technological:
  • Letter writing is a lost art
  • More familiar to our grandparents
  • Exceedingly rare among this generation
  • Nearly extinct by the advent of e-mail and texting
  • In defence of letter writing, e-mail and texting are more susceptible to miscommunication than that of a letter
  • Writing a letter, particularly hand written, requires more thought than e-mail, etc.
  • When is the last time you wrote or received a hand-written letter?
  • No, birthday cards don't count
  • What is happening to thoughtful human connection?


  1. You've got some really interesting ideas taking shape here, Heather. One that I didn't see discussed in class is the death of the handwritten letter-- do you have some kind of personal stake in this? Because it's an interesting thing I hadn't really thought about.

    On that, your discussion of human issues-- apathy and so on-- is something I'm familiar with, myself, and I'm sure also familiar with many other potential readers. It might be a good one to work with as well.

  2. Heather,

    I think that your topic of "people who neglect to live life to the fullest" is a great theme for this essay. The topic does seem a little broad but you can easily find concrete references to this in our culture. One that immediately comes to mind is the movie, The Bucket list, starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. The two main characters are terminally ill and are determined to complete their lists of things to do before they die. You bring up a great point that people should not wait until tomorrow because it is not a guarantee. I think if you find other examples such as this, it can be a very intriguing essay.

